Accommodation/Tenancy Assistance
Goodlife can provide one on one support to assist participants to achieve their individual Accommodation and Tenancy goals such as assisting participants to overcome barriers that impact a current tenancy or supporting participants to explore and obtain alternative housing.
Depending on individual circumstances and goals our Accommodation and Tenancy service include case planning and practical assistance can include:
- Assisting participants to redefine or develop housing goals
- Liaising with housing authorities, real estate agents or proprietors to identify barriers to maintaining at risk tenancies
- Identifying and implementing strategies to maintain current tenancies
- Exploring alternative housing options
- Assisting with private rental applications
- Assisting to lodge applications for Housing NSW rentals
- Supporting participants to obtain Housing NSW Bond Loan and essential household items
- Assistance with budgeting
- Liaising with utilities providers and assistance to access Utility Relief Grants
- Building capacity to obtain sustainable accommodation with greater independence